Friday, December 28, 2012

Doctor Who fan or not?

So I'd like to bring up a topic that many people may or may not talk about in the US, but is a concerning one on my part.
I've heard from several people that if you haven't seen [Doctors] 9 and 10, than you aren't a real fan of Doctor Who.
Some say that if 11 was your first doctor, you're still not a fan.
 Well let's see; I can name all of the characters and past companions [Sob Amy and Rory] and I understand the concept of the show, and I know what Daleks are and whatnot. The list goes on people.
I find it ridiculous that people feel the need to judge me on such things.
Hey, at least I've given 10 a try, I haven't seen any of 9, but I've watched 10. And yes, I understand that they're different writers, and no, I'm not just watching the newest seasons of Doctor Who because Steven Moffat wrote them, I'm watching it simply because it grabs my interest, and it's something that I like. Now I wouldn't want to be watching 10 if I didn't find him that interesting, would I? Most likely neither would you.
So don't judge people on how late they hop on bandwagons.
Thank you~

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